Aero-Club Bamberg e.V.

Flugplatz Bamberg-Breitenau

SA / SO / Feiertags

9:00 - SS (max. 19:00 Uhr) lcl

+49 951 45 1 45

Erreichbar bei Flugbetrieb

Zeppelinstraße 18

96052 Bamberg

Air Field Information

Name of airfield (ICAO)Bamberg-Breitenau (EDQA)

Bamberg Information      123.440 MHz

Bamberg ATIS                   124.130 MHz  (Tel. +49 951 40739332)

Airport elevation811ft / 248m
Coordinates49° 55,2 N 010° 55,0 E
Location1nm NE of the city centre of Bamberg
Traffic circuitNW (1700ft MSL. RWY03: LH pattern, RWY21: RH pattern)
Runway03 / 21 (1,253m x 23.5m asphalt)
10,000 kg MTOW (5,700kg for helicopter)
LDA 03 / 21: 935m / 968m
TORA 03 / 21: 968m / 935m
GAFOR areaAt junction 54 / 56 / 57
RefuellingAVGAS, JetA1

E-Mail: (no PPR requests)

Bamberg Information (Tower): Tel. Tel. +49 951 45145

Monday to Friday

Departure and landing only allowed with approved PPR request

No operations between 10pm and 6am (local)

Weekend / holidays

If weather conditions allow VFR traffic, PPR requests via R/T are sufficient

Weekend/holidays: From 9am to sunset or 7pm CET (LCL)

No operations between 10pm and 6am (LCL)

PPR information

PPR charges: 15€ outside of operating hours mentioned above

Please use our online form to send your PPR request (VFR only)

In exceptional cases:
Wilfried Horn
+49 9543 9070
+49 172 8603493

For further information concerning our operations contact us via

Please note that PPR for IFR is approved in exceptional cases only

  • Various lubricants are available
  • Overnight stay of aircraft and trailers (outdoor) is possible
  • Hangaring may be possible (please request prior)
  • Winch launch and airplane tow are possible
  • Two bicycles can be borrowed (first come, first served)
  • Take-off/landing/taxiing is only possible on asphalt runway and taxiway
  • Attention:
    • unpaved apron is only usable to a limited extent
    • unmarked wires 150ft approx. 300m NE
  • Glider traffic especially on SAT, SUN, HOL
  • Maintain min. 3,000ft MSL above the city of Bamberg
  • Avoid residential areas near the airfield – especially Gartenstadt (0,5nm SE), Gundelsheim (0,5nm N), Kramersfeld (0,1NM N), and Hallstadt (1NM NW)
  • Due to noise abatement restrictions repetitive touch and go landings by foreign aircraft are not permitted
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